
Glenford Farms donates its profits every year to charity. We focus our giving on supporting girls’ education in developing countries.
Girls’ education is among the most powerful forces on the planet. Educated girls are healthier. They are wealthier. If all girls received 12 years of high equality education, their collective lifetime earnings would increase by as much as $30 trillion. This is bigger than the entire U.S. economy. Families benefit, too. The more education a woman has the better equipped she is to raise a healthy family. UNESCO estimates that if all women in low and middle income countries finished secondary school, child mortality rates in those countries would fall by half.
Glenford Farms has supported a number of different charities over the years. This year we are support Save the Children, Global Fund for Women and the Girl Effect.
To learn more or make a donation, please click on the logo or button below.